June 23, 2009

A very rare photo... a photo of ME!

Usually I try very hard not to end up in front of the camera but after Medelia's and Joakim's wedding (see post below) I let my assistant Lena Welander play around with my camera. She is really, really talented and she actually got a photo of me I like! Good work Lena, you're the best!


Alicia Swedenborg said...

Åh, va vacker du är Linda!! Så fin bild.

OzDeleau said...

snygging! fint porträtt, kul att se dig på andra sidan kameran :-)

Jenny Hammar said...

Du är supersnygg!!!! Vilken fin bild Linda.

Lindísima Photography, Linda Broström Cabrera Bröllopsfotograf said...

Tack tjejer :-)!