January 25, 2009

Fair at Nacka Factory

The wedding fair Alltombröllopsmässan at Nacka Factory this weekend was a great success and it was very inspiring to meet both couples that already have booked me for 2009, couples that have tried to book me just to find out I was already engaged their wedding day and couples that talked to me for the first time about their wedding plans.

My very talented photographer colleague Sandra at Birgersdotter and I had decided to have our show cases located next to each other and we got a lot of visitors!

The floral designer Fröken Knopp had made a very beautiful bouquet and a table decoration for us which got praised by many of our visitors! Many thanks Fröken Knopp!

These absolutely fabulous pieces of jewellery by Thomas Berg at Sörsand caught my eye instantly and I just had to ask if I could take a closer look! I think I need to talk to my husband about the necessity to buy his wife a to-die-for-gift at least once in a life time...!

The dresses below are designed by Nahrin at Milagro and I just love the collar! I wasn't familiar with this designer before the fair but I think she is worth some extra attention.

And finally, some photos from the champagne bar and the wedding fashion shows.


Terri Lindholm said...

Hej Linda!
Vilka fina bilder du har tagit...som alltid! Fint med alla detäljer du har fångat. Du alltid ger mycket inspriation!

fotograf wiwi aronsson, borås - knallerian said...

Vilken jättefin monter ni hade. Väldigt fint med blommorna och era bilder.

Lindísima Photography, Linda Broström Cabrera Bröllopsfotograf said...

Tack Terri och Wiwi!
Mässan var kul och inspirerande (och har gett väldigt mycket mailförfrågningar i inkorgen) men jag fick ta hand om mina onda fötter när jag kom hem efter två dagars stående på hårt golv :-).